OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
Connectivity RTD Server Fundamentals
Excel Connector > Excel Connector Fundamentals > Connectivity RTD Server Fundamentals
In This Topic

This article describes how the syntax of the Excel RTD function to be used with Excel Connector. When used in the way described here, the RTD function retrieves real-time data using the Connectivity RTD Server.

RTD Function Syntax

Use the following syntax in Excel (the '=' designates a formula):

    =RTD(RealTimeServerProgID, ServerName, Topic1, [Topic2], ...)

where the function arguments are as follows:

RealTimeServerProgID Argument

For Connectivity RTD Server, use one of the following ProgIDs as the RealTimeServerProgID:




Both these ProgIDs are equivalent. The second one is intentionally short, intended for manual typing into Excel.

ProgIDs are case insensitive.

ServerName Argument

The Connectivity RTD Server is usually run locally (i.e. on the computer where Excel runs), and you should therefore omit the ServerName argument.

Topic Arguments

The topic arguments determine the data to be retrieved. See Topic Syntax for details.


For illustration, this is how an RTD function in a formula may look like for OPC Classic:

   =RTD("conn.rtd", , "di", "OPCLabs.KitServer.2", "Demo.Ramp")

or for OPC Unified Architecture:

   =RTD("conn.rtd", , "ua", "opc.tcp://opcua.demo-this.com:51210/UA/SampleServer", "nsu=http://test.org/UA/Data/;i=11218")

Related Links

More information about the Excel RTD function:

See Also